Man, there are so many out there. Antares has been the go-to for a long time, but many viable alternatives are available today. Celemony’s Melodyne, Waves’ Tune, (heck tbh I sometimes use Flex Pitch in Logic X). Technology has come a long way. PC: Select the folder and click Extract All. Click the Show extracted files when complete checkbox and click Extract. Mac: Double click the folder to extract the uncompressed folder. Double-click the new uncompressed folder. Double click the Auto-Tune.exe or.pkg file and follow the on-screen instructions.
-->May 24,2019• Proven solutions
As soon as you have opened your project and start working on it, make sure to save all the changes on regular basis. You can save projects by pressing Ctrl+S or go to File option and select Save Project. If you need to save your current project as a copy with a new name, go to File and select Save Project AS and then enter the new name to save. In DaVincie Resolve, if you need to revert to the last saved state, just go to File and choose Revert to Last Save.
The good thing is, DaVinci Resolve also features auto save mechanism, which allows you to set the auto saving parameters for each project. The article below will help you to use Auto save feature and techniques to get back the crashed projects using Auto Save facility on DVR timeline.
Alternative to DaVinci Resolve - FilmoraPro
If DaVinci Resolve often crashes on your computer and your work is gone always, maybe you need to use a simple video editor which has lower requirement of computer configuration. We recommend you to try Wondershare FilmoraPro, which has both and Mac and Windows versions. You can enable project auto saving by customizing different frequency, and you can also change saving project path by your choice. If you want to make professional video easily, download it now to have a try (free)!
Part 1: How to Enable Auto Save Feature in DaVinci Resolve?
The Auto Save feature is really essential in a editing platform like DVR as it can keep our data safe during sudden crashes.
Enable Auto Save on your device:
Step 1: Open your project and then hit gear icon present on bottom left corner of DVR window.
Step 2: Project settings window will soon appear and users need to click on the Auto Save feature available on left hand sidebar.
Step 3: Here you will find three options:
- OFF: Disable Auto Save. It stays active by default.
- ON: Keep on saving project automatically after few minutes. You can select the duration of auto save feature from pop up window as 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes or even 1 hour. PostgerSQL can be saved after every one minute.
- To Backup Project: It automatically creates a backup list for saving your current project. Here every project possess unique backup file for easy recovery. You can access the total number of saved backup files from “Retain the last X backups” option. These backups are discarded in first in- first out basis.
To backup your Project:
Retain the last X Backups: It helps to set the numbers of versions of saved projects. It creates 8 backups by default and they are removed on first in-first out basis.
Every: Using pop-up menu, you can easily define the frequency of auto-save behaviour for your project.
List Backups: It helps to show the window that contains all project backups. You can sort this list by height, width, date modified or by name. The buttons available on bottom portion can be used to access the load, delete and refresh options. Loading autosave backup means you will lose your current project or in other words, it will get replaced by the backup project. In case if you wish to preserve your current state of project then it is good to export your project before loading the backup.
Step 4: Now simply hit the save button to confirm all the changes and close your window.
Part 2: How to Retrieve Crashed Projects with Auto Save?
In case if DaVinci Resolve crashes suddenly and you have not saved your project, generally, after you re-launching your project, and move to the color page, you will be not able to locate grade of your project. Don’t worry; if you have enabled Auto Save feature on your tool then it is possible to get back all the details. Simply follow these steps:
Download lagu david cook goodbye to the girl lyrics. Step 1: Click the Gear icon available on the lower right corner of your screen and then re-launch your Autosave Panel.
Step 2: Choose list backups option and it will show you the backups that have been generated recently.
Auto Tune In Resolve 1
Step 3: Choose your backup and then hit on the load button. It will ask you to define name for your project.
This step is really useful because in case if you load a backup that doesn’t create desired data then you will be able to exit from it easily.
Step 4: As you have developed the project file now but the backup is not opened yet. Users need to move to project manager and then open this recently created backup file project.
Step 5: The grade defined by user gets autosaved on DVR platform and users can easily continue to work with their desired version of project.
Auto Tune In Resolved
Note that: DVR can support ten backups of a project at max so in case if it starts working on 11th then it will directly over-right the oldest one. The backup list available in menu will help you to know complete details about your project including last modification date so that you can pick the changes as per need. Their location on the list is not decided on the basis of their date modified, they can randomly appear anywhere.
Related: How to Import in DaVinci Resolve
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